The Charltons
Seeking first the Kingdom of God from the 'one thing' place of encounter and habitation
Ministering to God and the body of Christ through prayer, worship, and intercession
Laboring unto the fulfillment of the Great Commission
I was walking in Memphis
February, 2017
We are moving to Memphis, TN! Click to learn more!
Who are those Charltons?
The Charltons are Mike, Melody, William, Keegan, Evlyn, and Rohan. Click the button below to learn more about them and their ministry as missionaries in the house of prayer.
Partner with the Charltons
We need the partnership and support of friends and family like you to continue in ministry. Click the button below to learn more!
Two significant dreams from God and one of the most powerful salvation testimonies I have ever heard!
The Neverites
October 17, 2017
Returning to Iraq!
April, 2017
In less than two weeks I will be returning to Northern Iraq to continue in the work of the Great Commission!
Charlton Family Christmas
Newsletter is here!
December, 2016
We have some big news to share!
Important Charlton Family Updates!!
September, 2016
There have been a lot of things happening since our last update, and we want to share it all with you!
Update - Spring/Summer 2016
June, 2016
Hey friends and family! The following is our Spring/Summer 2016 update letter. Please feel free to read and share!
Why I am in Full-Time Ministry
May, 2016
A summation of the ministry I have been called to: what it is and why I do it.