The Charltons
Seeking first the Kingdom of God from the 'one thing' place of encounter and habitation
Ministering to God and the body of Christ through prayer, worship, and intercession
Laboring unto the fulfillment of the Great Commission
Trip to Israel!
June 4, 2015

If you read our newsletter then you know that I (Mike) was invited a few weeks ago to join a team from our Missions Base on a trip to Israel in July. On this trip we will assist Succat Hallel (a 24-7 Prayer Room in Jerusalem) with their Elav Conference. It is the largest and primary annual event in Israel specifically for indigenous young adult believers in Jesus, both Jewish AND Arab together! This is unprecendented in Israel and in the history of the world, upwards of a thousand young people gathering for three days of worship and ministry in Hebrew, Arabaic, and English, to contend for the fulfillment of God's purposes in their nations. It is a true sign and wonder in this hour, and the leadership of Succat Hallel has asked the Prayer Furnace to send workers to help them with the event and minister to the future of the body of Christ in Israel, and I am so excited to have the chance to go and be a part of edifying and strengthening the young Jewish and Arab believers in the land!
We will also be traveling to various landmark locations in the Holy Land, visiting and ministering at various Houses of Prayer in the land, and have outreach opportunities to Jews and Arabs in the land. This trip is an amazing opportunity to serve what God is doing on the ground in Israel, minister to hudreds of young Jewish and Arab believers, get to know the culture up close, connect with the community and leaders of the various Houses of Prayer, and experience the land and sites that tell the story of Jesus with hands-on understanding and insight.
Now, the nitty-gritty of the trip: the total cost is $2900, and at this moment $1400 has been given towards this amazing missions opportunity. Thank you to everyone who has already contributed!!!
If you are able to contribute any amount towards sending me to Israel to minister to the youth of the believers in the land please send me an e-mail (mike.charlton@theprayerfurnace.org) or Facebook Message ASAP and let me know how much you will be giving so I can update the ministry leadership and the team leaders. If you want to contribute online just click on the big button below and enter "Mike Charlton - Israel Trip" in the Memo area on the website. Also, checks can be written to "FPF" with "Mike Charlton - Israel Trip" in the memo line and sent to:
The Fredericksburg Prayer Furnace
PO Box 4117
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Thank you!!!